
Hobby Update: Sea Inlets and Chasms

Hello and welcome back to the blog! This entry will focus on two pieces of terrain I recently worked on, a chasm and a sea inlet. These were both challenging pieces, though for very different reasons.  Step 1: Bases To begin any terrain project (well, except for maybe hills), you'll need a good base to work on. I use around 3/16" MDF sheets which can be found at most large home improvement or hardware stores.  First step is to plan out the base sizes and shapes. I normally do this with a black magic marker to help guide my cuts and to make the most use of my materials. Once the bases are planned out, it's cutting time. I tend to do my first rough cuts using a table saw. Table saws are pretty big, scary, and dangerous, especially when working with smaller pieces of material. Also, table saws are not intended for making curved cuts, so, while I use it for this myself, I can't safely recommend it. My second cuts are done with a handheld jigsaw. This is not my favorite too...

Hobby Update: The Empire

  Welcome back and happy Tanks-giving ! This blog will focus on the ever illustrious Empire Steam Tank, a benchmark of imperial engineering and a powerful addition to my ever-expanding Reikland army. As some players might recall, the steam tank comes in a standard Conqueror  pattern of design, but many various options are also available. I wanted to make sure my tank could accommodate as many of these combinations as possible, at least within reason. With this in mind, magnetization became the only viable option. Likewise, as only one tank is allowed per 2000 pts of army, I don't think bringing a second tank will happen often, if ever. Fortunately for me, I already had (most of) a classic metal steam tank! Unfortunately, it was quite damaged and needed its paint stripped. Without further ado, it got the ol' dunk with some other High Elf bits. One piece missing, however, was the rear turret hatch. There was no way I was scouring eBay for a new one, so I instead opted to try out...