Hobby Update: The Otherworld
Hey folks, welcome back! This blog focuses on my new, monstrous, legendary , Lord of Change! In SAGA Age of Magic, no Otherworld warband is complete without an Archdemon, so it was high time to construct my own. This miniature was inspired by Games Workshop's Age of Sigmar (formerly Warhammer Fantasy Battles ) and Warhammer 40,000 , two intellectual properties I've been a fan and player of for the last twenty five years (at the time of writing, it's the apocalyptic year of 2020). Over the decades, the Lord of Change has changed quite a bit. Arguably inspired by the Vrock, a magical creature from Dungeons & Dragons , the Lord of Change is the greater demon of Tzeentch, one of the four great Chaos deities. Tzeentch is the god of change, sorcery, spellcasting, and forbidden knowledge. A Vrock from the 5th Edition D&D Monstrous Manual. In it's earliest versions, the Lord of Change deviated very slightly from this borrowed design. However, in time, the Lord of Cha...