Hobby Update: Warhammer 40,000 Iron Hands 005

 Hey folks, welcome back!

After what seems like a small eternity, the leader of my Iron Hands, Iron Father Feirros, is finally completed. I couldn't believe how many pieces this guy had, especially since I painted each parts separately before finally assembling him. I'm not sure how long he took overall in actual hours, but I spent about two weeks' worth of hobby sessions (each for several hours) laboriously painting every nook and cranny of this deceptively complex miniature. If I had to guess, I think I spent about thirty hours working on only Feirros, making him probably the third most time-demanding miniature I've ever painted.

I hope you all enjoy these pics! I'm going to take a break from 28mm minis for a little bit and work on some more 15mm SAGA stuff; I've found that switching scales and projects helps me keep my streak alive and keeps the hobby as enjoyable as possible (even I get fatigued).

Talk to you soon,



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