Hobby Update: The Empire
Hey folks, welcome back! Excuse my absence, it's been a minute. This blog focuses on the first unit of Warhammer Fantasy Battles I've painted in oh, about 12 years or so. It's a pleasure returning to the old world and I couldn't be more excited to spruce up and round of my classic Empire force! Rather than start with something reasonable, like a lone hero or something, I decided to crank out a full fifteen man unit of Knights of the White Wolf, the templars in service to Al-Ulric, the leader of the Cult of Ulric and High Priest of Middenheim. I still had many of these guys in my now ancient collection when I began the project, but I did round them out with a few nifty eBay purchases as well. My knights were in all different states of assembly, painting, and general completeness; some were missing parts or had cobbled together alternatives crafted by my boyish hands over a decade ago. I also had never been happy with the original plastic head sculpts, so while we were ...