Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th Edition: Empire vs Brettonia
Welcome back to the bloggy for a new battle report! This time, I had the pleasure of playing Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th Edition , a classic, and my favorite, edition of the game which survives in our hearts and memories. I can still remember distinctly the first time I picked up the 6th edition "big rule book." I had just returned from staying with my grandmother in Florida during the summer of 2000. The new (and sealed) book was waiting for me back home, but I begged my parents to bring it with them when they picked me up from the airport so I didn't need to wait another excruciating 30-45 minutes without it. All summer I had pored over my glorious Warhammer Armies: Skaven supplement, imagining the incredible horde of chittering ratmen I would loose upon the denizens of the Old World. However, little of the supplement made much practical sense, as I had never read the actual rules of the game. Frustratingly, my entire understanding revolved around what my thirteen y...