
Showing posts from September, 2022

Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th Edition: Empire vs Brettonia 2

Gather 'round and listen to a tale of noble knights and fickle fortunes! In this battle report, we'll be again chronicling a battle between Brettonia and The Empire, this time at 1200 pts. The Armies Brettonian Army Paladin - General 95pts -Barded Warhorse -Lance -Shield -Virtue of Discipline (1st) Paladin - Battle Standard Bearer 74 pts -Barded Warhorse Paladin 136 pts -Royal Pegasus -Lance -Shield -Virtue of Noble Disdain (1st) 8x Knights of the Realm 216 pts 8x Knights of the Realm 216 pts 8x Knights of the Realm 216 pts 5x Mounted Yeomen 87 pts 10x Peasant Bowmen Skirmishers 70 pts -Shields Field Trebuchet 90 pts Of course, I can't speak for Mike's strategy, but if I had to guess, I would say the strategy was in true Brettonian fashion; hit hard with the lance formations of knights and their embedded heroes. The trebuchet would keep me from getting too comfortable or at least punish my forces for not engaging in melee. The mounted yeomen could counter march blocking...