
Showing posts from November, 2022

Hobby Update: The Empire

  Welcome back and happy Tanks-giving ! This blog will focus on the ever illustrious Empire Steam Tank, a benchmark of imperial engineering and a powerful addition to my ever-expanding Reikland army. As some players might recall, the steam tank comes in a standard Conqueror  pattern of design, but many various options are also available. I wanted to make sure my tank could accommodate as many of these combinations as possible, at least within reason. With this in mind, magnetization became the only viable option. Likewise, as only one tank is allowed per 2000 pts of army, I don't think bringing a second tank will happen often, if ever. Fortunately for me, I already had (most of) a classic metal steam tank! Unfortunately, it was quite damaged and needed its paint stripped. Without further ado, it got the ol' dunk with some other High Elf bits. One piece missing, however, was the rear turret hatch. There was no way I was scouring eBay for a new one, so I instead opted to try out...

Hobby Update: The Empire

 Time for another hobby update! This update will focus on my first regiment of  great swords, the emperor's own bodyguard, the Reiksguard. Normally, the Reiksguard are seen toting lances and riding barded steeds on the battlefield, but since my army hails from Reikland, it felt only natural to have them also manifest as the  Zweihänder wielding infantry, as they did in the Storm of Chaos  supplement. The first regiment of Reiksguard, ready for battle. This banner was converted using a state troops plastic banner. I replaced the bendy white metal banner pole with a brass rod, as well. The noble champion leads his men into the fray. The unit's die-hard musician beats out a steady rhythm throughout even the most desperate of fights. My second regiment of Reiksguard line up into marching order. My second Reiksguard champion was converted using a head swap from the 6th edition plastic Empire state troops box set.    The second unit's standard bearer carries the ...