Hobby Update: The Empire
Willkommen meine Mitmenschen aus Reikland! In this blog I'll be sharing pictures of my newest Empire unit(s), some tactically flexible and utterly expendable archers! Please note, these archers are not the dreaded huntsmen, masters of the wilderness and invaluable scouts. My archers are explicitly chaff. Their role is to die so that other, more expensive units, may live. Anyway, here are some pics! Since the last iteration of Empire Archers from Games Workshop currently can be purchased for around $100-150 on eBay, I instead decided to use some third party miniatures. After much consideration and internet exploration, I settled on two wonderful Mercenary and Militia kits from Reptilian Overlords . There's about a 99% chance I'll be using these kits in the future to fill out my existing units or build new ones from scratch- they're just too versatile and great. I initially did some test prints to see how the RO minis scaled vs more modern and classic GW minis. There...