Hobby Update: Masters of the Underearth

Welcome back for this (circa) Thanksgiving hobby update! Today, I finished out the remainder of my current Masters of the Underearth miniatures for SAGA Age of Magic. 

While I definitely don't have enough points to run a full warband, I'm hyped to get my hands on some more of these beautiful Tjublings from Admiralty Miniatures. These guys are chock-full of character and echo with the lost nostalgia of the now explodified (?) Warhammer Old World. 

My current Masters of the Underearth warband (I need more minis!).

Stern-faced hammerers. I still haven't decided whether to use them as hearthguard with heavy weapons, warriors with heavy weapons, or just melee warriors.

Blunderbuss-toting warriors. These guys are so wonderful I couldn't help myself but to add powder burns to the barrels.

Grim-visaged hearthguard (maybe?). While these guys resemble the more modern Forgeworld approach to Chaos Dwarves, I am enamored with the giant stovepipe hats of the other Tjublings, leaving me in quite the pickle. If I use them as warriors, rather than hearthguard, then I would possess fewer stovepipe hats in my warband (unconscionable). On the other hand, no right-minded Warlord would ever allow the height of his hat to be challenged by his household hearthguard, so keeping these minis as his bodyguard seems to make the most sense.

Stubborn axemen. I tragically only have three of these guys, not even enough miniatures to field a half point of warriors! I'll need to remedy this sooner than later...
Here is the breakdown for how I painted these miniatures:

-Mahogany Brown 70.846
-Grey Pumice
-Earth Undercoat C1229
-Cork Brown 70.843 drybrush
-(after all other basing) Green Grey 70.971 drybrush
-airbrush Red RLM23 71.003 / touch-ups with Flat Red 70.957 
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Flat Red 70.957 highlight
-Flat Flesh 70.955 highlight
-Flat Red 70.957 wash
-Flat Flesh 70.955 highlight
-Flat Flesh 70.955
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Flat Flesh 70.955
-Ivory 70.918 highlight
-Red Tone
-Purple Tone
-White71.001 highlight (tip of nose)
-Bright Brass 71.067
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Bright Brass 71.067 highlight
-Metal Medium 70.521 highlight
-Steel 71.065
-Soft Tone
-Steel 71.065 highlight
-Metal Medium 70.521 highlight
*For guns*
-Army Painter Dark Tone + Black Ink 72.094
-Add Sepia Ink 72.091
-Neutral Grey 70.992 highlight
-Dark Sand 70.847
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Dark Sand 70.847
-Ivory 70.918 highlight
-White71.001 highlight
-German Grey 70.995
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Medium Sea Grey 70.870 highlight
-Blue Tone
-Medium Sea Grey 70.870 highlight
Bluish Leather:
-Grey Blue 71.005
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Grey Blue 71.005 highlight
-Neutral Grey 70.992 highlight
Black Leather:
-Black 70.950
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Neutral Grey 70.992
Blue Wood:
-Prussian Blue 70.965
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Prussian Blue 70.965
-Green Grey 70.971 highlight
-White71.001 highlight

If you are interested in purchasing some Tjublings of your own, look no further than clicking here
Thanks for stopping by!



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