Hobby Update: Masters of the Underearth
Stubborn axemen. I tragically only have three of these guys, not even enough miniatures to field a half point of warriors! I'll need to remedy this sooner than later...
Here is the breakdown for how I painted these miniatures:
-Mahogany Brown 70.846
-Grey Pumice
-Earth Undercoat C1229
-Cork Brown 70.843 drybrush
-(after all other basing) Green Grey 70.971 drybrush
-airbrush Red RLM23 71.003 / touch-ups with Flat Red 70.957
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Flat Red 70.957 highlight
-Flat Flesh 70.955 highlight
-Flat Red 70.957 wash
-Flat Flesh 70.955 highlight
-Flat Flesh 70.955
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Flat Flesh 70.955
-Ivory 70.918 highlight
-Red Tone
-Purple Tone
-White71.001 highlight (tip of nose)
-Bright Brass 71.067
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Bright Brass 71.067 highlight
-Metal Medium 70.521 highlight
-Steel 71.065
-Soft Tone
-Steel 71.065 highlight
-Metal Medium 70.521 highlight
*For guns*
-Army Painter Dark Tone + Black Ink 72.094
-Add Sepia Ink 72.091
-Neutral Grey 70.992 highlight
-Dark Sand 70.847
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Dark Sand 70.847
-Ivory 70.918 highlight
-White71.001 highlight
-German Grey 70.995
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Medium Sea Grey 70.870 highlight
-Blue Tone
-Medium Sea Grey 70.870 highlight
Bluish Leather:
-Grey Blue 71.005
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Grey Blue 71.005 highlight
-Neutral Grey 70.992 highlight
Black Leather:
-Black 70.950
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Neutral Grey 70.992
Blue Wood:
-Prussian Blue 70.965
-Army Painter Soft Tone
-Prussian Blue 70.965
-Green Grey 70.971 highlight
-White71.001 highlight
If you are interested in purchasing some Tjublings of your own, look no further than clicking here.
Thanks for stopping by!
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