Hobby Update: Lords of the Wild

Hello and welcome back!

Today, I'll be showing off some newly finished minis for SAGA Age of Magic. This centaur lord and his retinue will represent a Warlord mounted on beast and unit of quadrupedal creatures, respectively. I'm not quite sure how often I'll use the warlord, as my current strategy revolves around a horse-mounted, nimble, We Obey toting warlord, but having more options never hurts!

The quadrupedal creatures, on the other hand, I imagine will get used fairly often. My warband relies on speed and choosing engagement ranges, so having quadrupedal creatures, rather than their sluggish bipedal cousins, should fill out the roster nicely.

All minis were produced by Ral Partha and come from their wonderful Demonworld line, available here.

I hope you've enjoyed this update- I should have another update coming soon for the last unit in my army...a forest dragon!



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