Hobby Update: SAGA Age of Magic

Welcome back!

Today I'm posting some hobby updates for one of my SAGA Age of Magic warband, The Great Kingdoms.

I've been focusing on finishing this warband before returning to Lords of the Wild warband, which I've posted pictures of in earlier blogs.

Tonight, I began basing my bipedal creatures, assembled a war machine, and started converting my griffin to act as a steed for my second warlord.

Here you can see the creatures without their basing.

Next, they're given a coat of brown paint to act as a base.

Once the paint dries, a layer of white pumice is added on top. Once I have the opportunity, I'll finish the bases and fill you all in!

Here are the assembled war machine and still work-in-progress griffin.

As you can see, I've shaved down the head and neck significantly with a scalpel. I also carved away the majority of the base and used hot water to repose the legs. I will need to sculpt a saddle for my warlord, as well as add a new sculpt for the neck and face.

Stay tuned!



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