Hobby Update: Warhammer 40,000 Iron Hands 002

Hey guys, here's a quick update!

Rather than tackle another squad, I decided to take a quick break and add a character to my force. Instead of going for a heavy hitter, like the Captain, I elected to hobby my Primaris Ancient.

Primaris Ancients are effectively standard bearers, carrying chapter relics into the field. I had to do a bit of research on markings and traditions, as there seems to be a lot of conflicting information coming from GW on where markings should go and what they denote.

Here are two banners I used for inspiration when painting his banner. I painted the "IRON HANDS" freehand using a brush and used decals for the other markings and heraldry.

Normally, Primaris Ancients are veteran rank marines, but I have a bit of a distaste for the veteran markings on Iron Hands helmets (the crest is painted white).

Instead, I just went ahead and used a bare head- problem solved! I dug through my bits box for this head, using an old plastic Chaos Space Marine (after removing his top knot). The head was a bit larger than the current primaris marine heads, so I painted in a steel cap to make it seem smaller.

I hope you've enjoyed this update- I'm going to try and experiment with basing techniques because cork is no substitute. Stay tuned for more updates!



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